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Festival of Cultures in Norwich at the Forum 2012

© Copyright 2012 Anastacia Tohill, Yessica’s Journey Blog. All rights reserved. Please do not copy or download images or text. Quote taken from Human Library Website.

Norwich and Central Norfolk Mind Website
Norwich and Central Norfolk Mind Inclusion Project
Norwich Mind YouTube
Festival of Cultures YouTube Video
Human Library Website
Time to Change Website

On the 16th September 2012 Norwich Festival of Cultures was held at the Forum for the first time. The Inclusion Project is to help and support Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in Norwich.

Dancers at the Festival of Cultures in Norwich

Dancers at the Festival of Cultures in Norwich

Dancers at the Festival

Dancers at the Festival

Amazing lady on stilts and two children

Amazing lady on stilts and two children

Showreel below of all the images I took at the festival inbetween volunteering.

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The festival is celebrated every year by Norwich and Central Norfolk Mind Inclusion Project. The festival was hugely successful and included many people from different cultures. There was dancing, singing and music which was amazing. It was fantastic and so interesting to see the different cultures dancing in their beautiful costumes.

Dancing at the Festival

Dancing at the Festival

Dancing at the Festival

Dancing at the Festival

Dancers at the Festival

Dancers at the Festival

Dancer at the Festival of Cultures

Dancer at the Festival of Cultures

Singing at the Festival

Singing at the Festival

Peter Gianfrancesco, Chief Executive at Norwich and Central Norfolk Mind was there to do an opening speech.

Peter Gianfrancesco Chief Executive from Norwich and Central Norfolk Mind

Peter Gianfrancesco Chief Executive from Norwich and Central Norfolk Mind

Peter Gianfrancesco on the stage

Peter Gianfrancesco on the stage

Paola Colombo who is the Inclusion Manager at Mind did a fantastic job of organising the Festival.

Paola Columbo Inclusion Manager from Mind and a Mind Volunteer

Paola Colombo Inclusion Manager from Mind and a Mind Volunteer

The Time to Change Village Cinema also came to the event and I was a volunteer for the day. I helped put together a showreel for the event which included Time to Change footage and Inclusion Mind films. Time to Change is a campaign to help end and challenge mental health discrimination. Please see link at top of blog for link to website.

Time to Change Village Cinema

Time to Change Village Cinema

Stephen Fletcher Chair of the Service Users Council at the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Anastacia and Ann outside the TTC Cinema Tent

Stephen Fletcher Chair of the Service Users Council at the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Anastacia and Ann outside the TTC Cinema Tent

Oz Osborne in the Time to Change Village Cinema Tent

Oz Osborne in the Time to Change Village Cinema Tent

I thoroughly enjoyed the day and talked to many people about the Time to Change Campaign, Mental Health and Mind. I wore my Inclusion Mind T-Shirt and my Mind First Aider Associates Hat.

Anastacia and a friend from the Festival of Cultures

Anastacia and a friend from the Festival of Cultures

The Human Library also was at the festival and was located inside the Forum.

Quote from Human Library Website: (see top of blog for link to website)

‘The Human Library is an innovative method designed to promote dialogue, reduce prejudices and encourage understanding. The main characteristics of the project are to be found in its simplicity and positive approach. Visitors to a Human Library are given the opportunity to speak informally with “people on loan”; this latter group being extremely varied in age, sex and cultural background. The Human Library enables groups to break stereotypes by challenging the most common prejudices in a positive and humorous manner. It is a concrete, easily transferable and affordable way of promoting tolerance and understanding.’

Oz Osborne and Nick from the Human Library

Oz Osborne and Nick from the Human Library

The Human Library

The Human Library

Oz Osborne and friends

Oz Osborne and friends

I really enjoyed the day and meeting so many interesting people and loved volunteering for Mind Inclusion and Time to Change.

Amrita who works for Mind at the LifeHelp stand

Amrita who works for Mind at the LifeHelp stand

Crowds at the Festival

Crowds at the Festival